The Future of In-Store Merchandising

Not new rules for an old game. A new game.

The New Game: Digital Efficiency

Execute in-store promotions in minutes not days or weeks. Dramatically improve your bottom line and speed to market.

50% Faster to Market

Timing is everything. Display Merchandising is a repeatable action that's ripe for automation. Digital processing delivers a 50% reduction in promotional launch cycles.

20% Cost Savings

Restore profitability to the display merchandising process. FastracMerchandising provides digital design and execution that can deliver up to 20% improvement in display margins.

Data Code Driven

UPC codes will drive the NEW display launch system. Scan, customize, and review to execute global promotions in minutes and watch your productivity soar.

Picture it.

A quick peak behind the curtain at what will soon become the new industry standard for in-store merchandising promotions.